Fully Curious . . .The Art of Questioning Beyond Beliefs

What origins of beliefs constitute the foundations of our decisions, relations, dreams, and life journey? What underlying believed truths are we living by that are very unconscious? Some were created at a very young age and others were inherited from countless generations before us. We are a compilation of information gathered infinitum.

Who is sorting this out? What works? What doesn’t? What is current and what is outdated? What assumptions are we tripping over again and again when we interpret ourselves and each other? What filters of perception are in the basement, in the attic, buried under ground, like land minds waiting to trip us up from discovering what is in the unknown of our current now moment? What is being birthed into life through us and into expression? Are the old world views relevant to now? Are they and we, truly open to evolution?

If we let go of what has been believed throughout generations, no matter if it is true or not, we may unconsciously believe we risk losing our very foundations of reality and therefore also our assumed future.

Questioning our very foundations can be terrifying because these assumed wise foundations may be leading us into false futures.

The wise person is curious and questions the known and the unknown

Once a special teacher said to me: When you are feeling fear, it means you are on the edge of something new, something that hasn’t been before and not yet is. You are on the edge moving into the unknown. Not knowing, he said, is a sacred and holy place to be. Rest there, in the unknown, the truth will birth itself.

Expect Goodness

Well-poised questions can move us into the future and out of the recycling karma of expected and well-assumed outcomes. 

Take to heart your own questions and meditate without trying to find an answer or to figure things out. In this holy heart place there is space for new possibilities to emerge organically. New perspectives show themselves when you are ripe to see. Listen deeply to receive something new, and perhaps unexpected.

In the space of the heart, whatever is holding clarity from view and insight from access, will give way to a higher creative energy. It is received in listening, in feeling, in sensing. It can be revealed in an image or a download of evolutionary potential of pure creation itself.

It is an inside job yet clues and cues are all around us. Some are distractions, others neon signs. It is a new capacity we must develop in order to perceive new options.

The art of questioning is hi-tech. Old questions that perpetuate old habits, which expect disappointing outcomes, have no enlivening qualities unless you are a disappointment junkie. Then you are addicted to the adrenaline rush of the inevitable failure you are addressing with all your life experience to prove that it, and you, are right.

The new invitation is to question that addiction. What else is possible? What could be better than you usually imagine? What good things are here for you now?

If you fear changing your habits of assuming all is doomed and disappointing, it will be a letdown to allow change to happen. How perfect. Your need to be right can find new direction to explore new possibilities. There is so much more freedom in this: so much more space to experiment with life and your own curious and creative nature.

Questions are a form of Divination.

What questions access the wisdom of your future? What questions take you out of repetitive fears and open doors to new possibilities? Questions can lead you to new possibilities, new consciousness and new ways of relating with yourself and your world. High quality questions demand high-quality intentions and high-quality listening.

When you listen to what you say, you will notice how you are predicting your own future. Habitual statements like: That will never happen. I always . . . He never . . . etc. These predictions, based on past experiences, limit the focus of our future potential. We can divine our future by asking questions that bring in a higher vibration of potential, higher qualities of living and relating.

Be bold. Be fully curious. Question to explore what’s beyond your beliefs.


Make Way for Everyday Miracles