Activate Your Super Human Powers To Create Positive Change

awake and aware eye looking presence

Life is calling us to question everything, even ourselves, and especially our perceived limitations. Life is inspiring us to raise our vibrations and shift our focus to explore the possibilities that we are more powerful than we know. I call this activating our Super-Human Powers.

There are new ways to perceive and express that are yet unknown to us until inspiration reveals the wisdom of the moment.  Our daily invitation is to see with fresh eyes, awareness and minds.

We just need to be curious and available to receive and perceive something new. Something completely out of the box of old patterns, expectations and assumptions. Maybe even to entertain being surprised by the seeming impossible. Presence, desire, an open mind and creative action are key. 

This year I have been part of a group who prayed and held high vibrational fields of support for three different friends who were strongly challenged with health issues and risky operational procedures. Without going into detail, the power of our focused group intention and active ongoing meditations for the highest and best produced super human healing capacities, utterly miraculous journeys beyond logic, for all three.  This power of focused intention can also be applied to world situations.

We do not need to have dire circumstances to activate our super powers. We can increase our vibrational field on a daily basis. How? Watch and listen to our words. Our speech reveals our beliefs, expectations and limitations. We are all living in a variety of trances; automatically repeating the same old sayings, making the same old assumptions, visioning the same lack now, in the past and more in the future. Looking for proof that we are right, we cycle our thoughts and perspectives into numbing limited points of view. We become deaf and blind to our own repetitive expressions.

We can stop, notice the numbness and invite new options. How?

Focus on your internal world of body, emotional and mental sensations and the field of energy around you. This is where your intuition communicates with you. Explore your sensorial experience: what feels good, right, more true and what doesn’t. By becoming more aware of your internal experience you will be more available to notice being on automatic and more able to choose to shift into new inspired super human power options for positive change.

You can affirm new intentions. ~ “I welcome new inspiring possibilities and actualities.” Check in with yourself.  What inspiration have you recently experienced? What did inspiration feel like in your body? In your mind? How did you respond to the inspiration? How did your experience of responding feel? What new something got birthed from that experience? How can you add intentional space for new inspiring possibilities to open up in your relationships and in our world relational dynamics?

Notice your contribution to conversations.  Are you gossiping? Judging? Inspiring? Are you moving the energies forward? What is really going on inside you? You want to belong? You want to be right? You want recognition?  How does the conversation feel? How can you infuse new enriching possibilities into the mix?

Ask yourself questions. “What do I want? Am I aligning with my intention? How am I keeping myself safe by staying in the old patterns? What is the original wisdom of these old patterns?”  Sit with the feelings and insights that come up. This is key. Journal your insights and ask more organic questions. When you feel a shift of inner awareness, you can ask yourself, “How can I live more from my super powers today?”

We are each leaders within ourselves, and within our circles of relationships and interests.  Together we form fields of energy that influence humanity to become Super Human to access new creations, solutions and possibilities beyond our current knowing. We need this now.

Being super human doesn’t mean everything goes smoothly.  We have to be willing to be curious in the unknown, to ask questions, to relate with others and to feel uncomfortable while we are poised for inspiration to move us.

It’s time to commit daily, and recommit moment to moment, to raise our vibration, and those around us to activate our super-human powers and be an active agent of positive change.


Embody Divine Dignity


Every Moment Is A Point of Power To Clarify Our Intentions