Embody Divine Dignity


Today, I live in Divine Dignity.

Feel into this invitation. Feel the infusions of this energy. What subtle sensations, images, and impressions do you notice as you receive these frequencies of Divine Dignity?

I have been exploring how Divine Dignity influences my experiences. During my yoga practice, conversations with friends and clients, and even everyday thinking have been my playgrounds for embodying Divine Dignity. I notice I feel more present in my body. My breathing deepens. My shoulders relax. I feel tingling up my back. My mind is clearer. I focus with greater ease. Worry, fear, resistance and defensiveness are no longer at play. I experience a greater capacity to take clear action and follow through. When I notice myself stray, I recommit to live in Divine Dignity.

My friends and I have an evolving exploration of humor around “what is written on your t-shirt today that names your inner state?” Sometimes my t-shirt says: lonely, inspired, private, or ready to play. The options are creative and endless. They reveal my inner world and announce what I silently and often unconsciously expect to experience. When I invite Divine Dignity, it embraces me and holds gracious space for more creative options to percolate. I feel more calm, clear, inspired and more open to the creative mystery of the moment. It’s delightful!

Divine Dignity holds all possibilities in a “free to be” zone of consciousness. It is pure creation. It includes options that do not even exist yet. Inviting alignment with this essential creation energy is totally transformative and available in less than a breath of time.

I was taking with a friend who lives in Germany. We were exploring deep inner awareness. I kept hearing the words “Divine Dignity” inside my head. I asked him to listen to what I was about to say and to notice what and how he felt physically, emotionally, and psychically in response.

“Divine Dignity”. The energy of the words came alive when I spoke them. I felt an infusion of energy come down into my whole body and all around me. The energy and I were ONE. I felt sacred, vital, present. The experience was spontaneous, very precise, new yet known.

My friend reported he had a choice of how much energy to allow in. He honored that he could feel some resistance, some sense of needing to be in control. He noticed personal issues stirred up. In my experience of hearing his report, I saw the issues were also receiving the sacred energy of Divine Dignity. We sat with the experiences with calm curiosity and reverence.

“Today, I am willing to embody Divine Dignity.”

I invite you to explore this for yourself. Approach it as a meditation. Inquire within. What situation feels challenging today? What stories keep me feeling distant, disconnected, angry, hurt? Where in my life do I want to experience change? I.e., relationships, work, creativity, health, finances, etc. Be clear in your intention. Be curious as to what is important for you to receive.

In meditation, invite Divine Dignity in.

Breathe and let go of expectations. Notice your experience and insights that come. When you have marinated enough, bring your current awareness to notice new perspectives on issues Divine Dignity has infused. What clear new action step is presenting itself? Notice what you notice. When you feel complete, invite integration of shifts and changes, express your gratitude and journal pearls of your exploration.

“Today, I embody Divine Dignity.”

This Infusion of Divine Dignity embraces ALL. ALL ages and stages of your being. ALL ancestors. ALL life. I can feel this right now as I write. A nectar of Divine Light is coming alive in me, waking up in all my cells.

We all have untapped resources we are discovering that are vital for conscious living and relating. With clear intention we can align with higher frequencies that inform our capacity to feel, think, express, create, interpret, relate and be in our world in new conscious and creative ways. Divine Dignity is one of these resources. It is always available.

Play with it. Explore its’ potential in your experience of yourself, relating with others, your work, health, and creative expression.

Embody Divine Dignity.

Come to know it as your friend. It truly is who you are.


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